On The Lookout – Abstract Ninjaa

Another West coast rapper; I know I’ve been dishing them out to you a lot, but listen, it`s been the movement, because there are some good rappers coming out. I first heard Abstract Ninjaa on a Chuuwee track (Smoke One For Doom) on the ‘Watching The Throne’ album, and his flow and delivery was so on point, I was like “Whooooo is this guy? He’s sick.” So, I looked him up, and he’s affiliated with T.U.S, and they’re a nice group of rappers, so right off of the bat, I felt like his stuff would have been good. Listening to his mixtapes, his flow and delivery is so chill, but he’s raw with his lyrics. Very diverse with his wordplay, and he switches it up to either mock the mainstream “hipsters” or bringing it back to the old roots of hip hop to just simply kick punchline raps with a bubbly flow.

What I’ve noticed through listening to him, is that he collaborates well with others. His numerous tracks with Chuuwee are reminiscent of Q-Tip & Phife because of their back and forth wordplay. If they were to come out with an album together much like how Chuuwee & Sundown of Actual Proof came out with TMF, there’s no doubt in my mind that it would be a crazy project. That’s not to take away from the fact that he can do well on his own, I’m just stating that claim. He’s shown progression through the course of his mixtapes and has seem to do nothing but steadily get better. Give him a listen, see how you feel, but as the months go by, I’m sure you’ll be hearing this guy more and more. Listen & Download his mixtapes at his Bandcamp page.

That’s My Word & It STiXX

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